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Laser Focus: Boost B2B Marketing With Better Focus
How can B2B marketers put the old adage of focusing on what you can control to the best use, and why will 2023 be an important year to boost efficiency with better focus?
We’ve all heard the saying that it’s better to focus on those things that you can truly play a part in changing than spending time worrying about so many of the things that really are outside the scope of what we can change.
Knowing where to put our efforts to the best use and which areas to skip are skills that generally improve as we mature and grow, in both our personal and professional lives.
Let’s jump right in and take a look at how to boost B2B marketing efforts with better focus.
Improved Focus For Better Marketing & More
No matter what stage of the journey we’re on, it can be valuable to take stock of where we’re at when it comes to where we place our focus, and how we can improve these important skills.
Today’s helter skelter always-on social media digital marketing lifestyle is riddled with endless avenues vying for our attention, making it a harder task than ever to filter out the things we can’t control from those where we should be directing our full focus.
Over time most of us generally know what our strong areas are, and where we tend to struggle, and building better focusing skills can often start simply by turning a mirror back onto ourselves, to be reminded of our inherent strengths and weaknesses.
Embracing Our Strong Points
With that refresher, we can confidently move on to applying our efforts to our strong point areas. What if those areas are perfectly aligned with our strengths, but aren’t ones that we can have an effect on? Or, on the other side of the equation, what if we’re facing areas where we can have great impact, but they’re not aligned with our strong points?
This is a fairly common scenario, as we all have to tackle tasks that aren’t exactly in our top areas of expertise.
When this happens, it can be helpful to recognize it as an opportunity to boost those skills and become a more well-rounded B2B marketer — especially with today’s roles requiring more of a full-stack skill-set than ever.
In B2B marketing, learning where not to focus your energy can be an important discovery, along with the subtle power of brevity.
In today’s short attention span digital-first world, a finely-tuned short message can often significantly outperform a comprehensive missive or manifesto, especially when it comes to content shared on social media platforms. I wrote more about this phenomenon in “You Have 8 Seconds – GO! Brand Messaging Secrets With Debra Jasper.”
[bctt tweet=”“In B2B marketing, learning where not to focus your energy can be an important discovery, along with the subtle power of brevity.” — Lane R. Ellis @lanerellis” username=”toprank”]Aligning Focus With Skill
It’s important to recognize that even if a particular task is squarely aligned with one of our strongest skills, if that task falls in the category of things we can’t control, no matter how much effort we put forth, the work will usually be for naught.
The magic happens when we know our strong points and are also able to apply them in areas where our efforts can have a direct impact.
We can optimize our focus by making it a regular practice to ask ourselves four key questions:
- Is this something my efforts can have an impact on?
- Does this task align with my strengths?
- Can I use this situation as a learning opportunity?
- If not me, who would this task be ideally suited for?
Riding The Focus Wave
When you find yourself in an especially productive period, take advantage of it and ride the productivity wave to get as much done as possible while the creative B2B marketing iron is burning hot.
Unfortunately, we can’t control when we’ll be at our peak combined levels of energy, productivity, and efficiency. By quickly recognizing when such a period hits us, however, we can get in as much work as possible before the big wave eventually peters out.
How can you take advantage of these times? Here are three strategies:
- Turn off anything you can that normally distracts you, such as alarms, notifications, or whatever may cause you to break stride while working at your best
- Try to include short micro-breaks — even if just for a minute — to keep the overall energy up and use the time to focus on what you want to accomplish next during the session
- When your very productive period comes to its inevitable end, take a little time to write down what you think made for such a good working session, and what you’d do differently next time to make it even better
Laser Focus Builds Better B2B Content
By using these focus-building techniques you’ll have a jump on the competition, and be able to elevate your own B2B marketing efforts in new ways.
You can learn more about increasing productivity through focus in our own Nick Nelson’s “5 Ways B2B Marketers Can Boost Productivity and Focus,” and how B2B marketers can build a super-stack of marketing technology skills to create the most value and efficiency in 2023 and beyond in “20 Ways to Build a B2B Marketing Super-Stack of Skills.”
More than ever before, creating award-winning B2B marketing that elevates, gives voice to talent, and humanizes with authenticity takes considerable time and effort, which is why more brands are choosing to work with a top digital marketing agency such as TopRank Marketing. Reach out to learn how we can help, as we’ve done for over 20 years for businesses ranging from LinkedIn, Dell and 3M to Adobe, Oracle, and many others.
The post Laser Focus: Boost B2B Marketing With Better Focus appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog – TopRank®.
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Lascio Twitter, ma senza sbattere la porta. Motivi e strategie di uscita
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2022/11/28 20:00.
Lo so che Twitter non è una stazione e non c’è bisogno di annunciare arrivi e partenze, ma faccio un’eccezione per rispetto verso chi mi segue.
La situazione su Twitter è diventata sempre più assurda e insostenibile, con il ritorno (deciso esplicitamente da Elon Musk) di troppe figure della disinformazione e dell’odio per far finta di nulla o sperare in errori momentanei di valutazione o crisi di assestamento.
Restare su Twitter significa alimentare questa situazione tossica e, come dice bene Jelani Cobb sul New Yorker, significa sostenere “l’illusorio senso di comunità che ancora permane sulla piattaforma”. Lo spirito di Twitter se n’è andato; al suo posto rimane solo una facciata spaccata e imbrattata, gestita capricciosamente da un bambino viziato con troppi soldi in tasca.
Andarsene da Twitter non è una decisione facile, specialmente per chi ha un numero piuttosto consistente di follower e lo usa molto per informare e informarsi sugli eventi in tempo reale (da sempre il suo massimo pregio) invece che per battibeccare con altri utenti. Ma ci ho ragionato su per molto tempo, e temo di non avere scelta. Mi dispiace parecchio per i circa 420.000 follower, ma in coscienza non mi sento più di avallare la follia di Elon Musk dando loro un piccolo motivo in più per restare su Twitter.
Da oggi, quindi, inizio a ridurre la mia presenza su Twitter. Manterrò l’account, ma salvo casi speciali posterò sempre meno e non risponderò alle menzioni. Ho messo un avviso in tal senso nella mia bio di Twitter, con le mie coordinate sugli altri social network. Ho già chiuso i messaggi diretti (anche se Tweetdeck misteriosamente ne fa passare lo stesso alcuni). Mi limiterò a seguire su Twitter i circa 800 account d’informazione che seguo attualmente (almeno finché esistono e non migrano altrove).
Resto comunque reperibile via mail, su Mastodon (se vi va, ho scritto una miniguida di migrazione), su Instagram, su Telegram (anche come canale), su Signal (solo messaggi strettamente riservati) e in questo blog (che potete anche seguire con qualsiasi reader RSS, come per esempio Feedly).
Non sospenderò il mio account e non lo eliminerò per tre ragioni:
- Se le cose vanno avanti come stanno andando (fuga di inserzionisti e dipendenti, decisioni caotiche), tra qualche mese Twitter potrebbe fallire ed essere rilevato e risistemato da mani meno dissennate di quelle di Musk, nel qual caso potrei tornare a usarlo.
- Sono su Twitter dal 2007 e ho scritto oltre 135.000 tweet che fanno, nel loro piccolo parte della cronologia di Internet. Sospendere o eliminare l’account li farebbe sparire.
- Eliminarlo significherebbe che qualcun altro potrebbe usare lo stesso nome account in futuro, magari spacciandosi per me.
Quindi se vi interessa quello che scrivo, cominciate a fare un mini-piano per continuare a seguirmi altrove quando non sarò più attivo su Twitter. E se avete suggerimenti per migliorare questo mio piano di migrazione, scrivetemi qui sotto nei commenti o via mail.
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